About Janet

Welcome to Journalist On the Run, my adventure travel blog that follows my escapades around the world and tries to give readers an insight into what life is like in far flung corners of this beautiful planet.

I’m a 37 year old, happy-go-lucky intrepid traveler (and qualified journalist!) from Ireland, who decided to quit her full time job in favour of a happier, healthier and more adventurous life.

When I was younger, I can remember reading an inspirational story in a book called “Chicken Soup for the Soul”. The short story titled Another Check Mark On the List is about a 15-year-old boy named John who, on one rainy day, when it was too wet outside to play, decided to write a list of goals. John continued writing until he had 127 goals. These goals included exploring the Nile River,climbing the world’s highest mountains, read the entire works of Shakespeare and learning 3 foreign languages. He also wanted to milk a poisonous snake and ride an ostrich!

Of the 127 goals that he listed over 60 years ago, John has achieved 108. If he lives to become 75 years old he will achieve 109 (he listed “live to see the 21st Century”). How did John achieve all of these goals? He wrote them down.

After reading this story, I too decided, like many other people, to make a list of all the things I wanted to do/see/learn throughout my life. I, however, wanted to achieve these things before the age of 30. Back then 30 seemed to be quite old and an acceptable age to have completed all my goals. Now that 30 is fast-approaching, and I look back on everything I have achieved in such a short space of time, I have decided to set bigger goals!!

This blog is about documenting all my travels and adventures, my career growth and career failure, and keeping track of all the goals I have achieved and the many more which have yet to be accomplished. It’s sort of like a ‘bucket list for life’.

Right now, following stints living in Asia, I am roaming the world as a digital nomad, working from my computer and pretty much living the dream.

Learning loads, smiling loads, making loads more amazing friends. I see life as one big adventure, so come join me and let’s have some fun!

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