
Is Prage Safe for Tourists?

Prague is a city with beautiful architecture and a marvellous history. The capital of the Czech Republic is known for its magical bridges and dreamy views. You’ll find some of the best European cuisine in this country.

This city is home to some of the most enchanting palaces, domed churches, and gorgeous structures you’ll ever hope to see. Prague truly has some of the most amazing coworking spaces for those of you planning for more than just a trip. Narrow streets will lead you to some of the many cultural landmarks and cafes that the city is known for.

This idyllic Czech Republic capital is quickly becoming a tourism hotspot, with millions of visitors each year. The good news is that it is also highly safe and easy to see. There are numerous museums, a busy nightlife, and a contemporary transportation system to help you move around conveniently and swiftly.

Having earned the nickname “Golden City of a Hundred Spires” it’s no wonder tourists are flooding the streets of Prague. While planning your trip, you may be wondering how safe the city is, and this guide will help you decide that.

Why Visit Prague?

Summer time seems to be the most popular time that people choose to visit the city. You’ll find that there are massive crowds during summer due to the warm weather. Luckily, Prague offers multiple fun activities to do and you won’t have to be caught up in the crowds.

One of the city’s main attractions is Charles Bridge which sits on the Vltava River. To see this bridge from a distance would be to do it justice. You’ll be able to take in the size and pure craftsmanship of the bridge when you see it from afar. There are a slew of cafes on either side of the bridge, so you can enjoy a cup of coffee while you take in the views.

Is Prague Dangerous?

Prague has been described as one of the most livable places in Europe and generally gets good rankings with regards to safety. That being said, there are some safety concerns that plague this city such as petty crime and political disputes.

The Czech police aren’t very present in the streets of the city, though they aren’t difficult to pin down in case of an emergency. Violent crime in the city has been rapidly declining, and this could be a result of the increased tourist presence in Prague. Petty crime is however on the rise and this is what will likely affect your trip.

Dangerous Areas in Prague


Smíchov is known as a quaint and charming neighborhood with some trendy restaurants that will blow you away. It has several bars that contribute to the lively nightlife. However, this area does have its issues.

The Smíchov train station is known for being dilapidated and has often been the scene for attacks and disorderly behavior. This area is also notorious for drug peddling and being home to junkies. There were over 2000 offenses reported last year. Luckily, it seems that this is being dealt with as the stats have come down from 400 cases to 90.


Holešovice is known as one of Prague’s trendiest neighborhoods with its cluster of bars and restaurants. It’s the ideal location for brunch and a stroll. You’ll find that it’s also beaming with students needing to pass time.

Holešovice is, unfortunately, also known for being a drug domain. This area has multiple reports of drug manufacturing and distribution. It’s best to avoid being in this area at night, as you’ll likely be offered drugs or if you’re unlucky, you may even be physically assaulted. Though this neighborhood has its selling points, you won’t be missing out on much by skipping it and enjoying other areas.

Is It Safe To Live In Prague?

Due to its active police department, Prague has low crime rates and the Czech people are very welcoming. Just like any other city, you should be cautious. Tourists are very rarely in the line of danger in this city especially if you don’t draw too much attention to yourself.

Safety is definitely what you look for when picking a place to stay, and in a city like this, you’re spoiled for choice. There are numerous neighborhoods in Prague with low crime rates and amazing activities overall. You won’t be disappointed when visiting the city. In fact, you’ll probably get lost in the medieval structures straight out of a fairytale.

Safe Areas in Prague

Malá Strana

Malá Strana, also known as “Lesser Town”, is across Old Town on the other side of the Charles Bridge. It’s the perfect location for a more laid-back vacation with its tranquility. You can explore all the wonderful gems that it offers without the hustle and bustle that you’d get in Old Town.

The perfect afternoon activity would be to roam the Wallenstein Palace Gardens. The garden features a pond that’s home to some lovely peacocks and has a maze of paths for you to get lost in. You can also get tickets to explore the Wallenstein Palace Observatory which can be found on the grounds.


Vinohrady used to be a massive vineyard before becoming one of Prague’s best neighborhoods. Though it boasts a vivacious nightlife, the daytime is more serene and suited for leisure. The pastel colored buildings create a wonderful aesthetic that truly brings the whole district to life.

Upon arriving in the neighborhood, you’ll notice the National House of Vinohrady which houses many things, including parliament, two restaurants, and two bars. There you can have a lovely Czech or Belgian meal while taking advantage of the beautiful scenery and getting some pictures.

Old Town

The Old Town can be found in the center of the city and it’s recommended that you start your trip here, especially if it’s your first time in Prague. You’ll find that it’s in close proximity to many landmarks and historical sites. It’s also a good place to be the base for any day trips you may have planned.

In the Old Town Square, you’ll find the Astronomical Clock, which is part of the town hall. This building towers over the square and commands a lot of attention. At the start of every hour, the doors above the clock open and 12 mechanical apostles put on a show.

Warnings and Dangers in Prague

Prague may be a magnificent city with a lot to offer, however that doesn’t mean that you should let your guard down. Be vigilant at night and try not to drink too much. Being too drunk may leave you vulnerable to criminals. When going out at night, leave your passport and supporting documents at your hotel, as you wouldn’t want them to get stolen.

When you’re visiting tourist hot-spots, ensure that your bag is in the front of your body. Crowded areas are the perfect opportunity for your belongings to get taken or for your entire bag to be snatched from you.

Overall Travel Risk (2/10)

Overall, Prague is a very safe country and most tourists don’t encounter any problems when visiting the city. As previously stated, the main issue in this city is petty crime such as pickpocketing. It’s best you don’t flaunt any of your money or valuable items. Be discreet and you won’t draw any unnecessary attention to yourself.

You’ll find that the city has a severe amount of beggars, mostly at the popular tourist sites. You don’t have to pay them any mind, and they won’t harm you. You can offer them food if you like, but don’t offer them money as they may use it to purchase drugs.


Risk of Scammers

The risk of getting scammed is pretty mild in Prague. You’ll mostly find scammers on the streets and in markets. The most common scam you’ll encounter is people offering to exchange your money for you at a cheaper rate. They will give you the older Czech currency that has no validity.

ATM scams are also very popular in the city. Be wary, they may skim your card information and pin. Another common scam is “policemen” asking to see your money and passport to validate their authenticity. Should this happen to you, ask to be taken to the nearest police station.

Risk of Taxis

The risk for taxis is low in this city. Try to organize your cab via your hotel instead of having to hail one on the street. This will ensure that you get a reasonable cab fare. Black taxi cabs aren’t to be trusted as they’re usually unlicensed. The yellow taxi cabs are the ones that you can rely on. Even at the airport, don’t take a chance on a black cab for convenience.

Risk for Female Travelers

The risk for female travelers, whether traveling solo or not, is very low. Prague is one of the best cities for women to find themselves in. You won’t have to worry about being harassed or walking into a dodgy area. The streets of Prague are easy to navigate and they mostly lead back to a familiar place.

However, the standard rules apply here. Don’t leave your drink unattended or accept drinks from people that weren’t prepared in front of you. Don’t tell people too much personal information about yourself or divulge the name of your hotel.

Risk of Pickpockets

The main concern for tourists will be pickpockets, although the risk of them is only mild. As you would in any major city, keep your belongings close to you and don’t allow yourself to be easily distracted.

Try to carry a bag that can easily be concealed or that clings to your body when going to major tourist sites. A tactic that pickpockets use is cutting a small hole in the bottom of your bag to steal your belongings without you even noticing.

Tips For Staying Safe in Prague

There are many attractions to explore in Prague. You’ll be spoiled for choice with museums, churches and many historical buildings. One way to save money on all of these attractions is to get a Prague CoolPass. This pass allows you to get discounts on entrance fees to most attractions and restaurants.

Although this city is somewhat of a safe haven, here are 5 safety tips to help you navigate Prague:

  • Avoid dark, isolated areas. Try not to wander down dark desolate streets, especially at night. It’s best to be where the people are.
  • Beware of the trams. Trams don’t stop quickly so don’t expect them to. Avoid a serious accident by looking both ways before crossing the street.
  • The police’s number is easily accessible. It’s important to note that every lamp post in the city has a number on it that will allow police to know where you are without you having to say anything.
  • Be aware of street signs. It’s important to cross the street at the right spot or when the light is green. You can get fined; or worse, hit by a car.
  • Always double check the bill. Restaurants tend to charge people for extra items in an effort to hike up the price, particularly in tourist hot-spots. So go through your bill with a fine-toothed comb.

Is Prague Safe│Frequently Asked Questions

Does Prague Have Any Natural Disasters?

Natural disasters aren’t anything to worry about when visiting Prague. There may be some minor floods in the springtime. There are threat warning systems in place and the Czech Republic has one of the best ones. So, you’ll be forewarned should anything transpire.

Is There a High Risk of Terrorism in Prague?

Terrorist threats aren’t very prominent in Prague. However, as a popular European city it’s susceptible to attacks. The best way to stay informed on this is to be up to date on the news and see if Prague may be on the radar for any radical demonstrations.

Is it Safe to go to Prague With The Russia/Ukraine Crisis?

The current conflict between Russia and Ukraine doesn’t directly affect the Czech Republic. It’s best that you monitor news outlets for any updates that may affect your trip and safety.

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