
Looking for BIG Shoes in Korea? Look no further!

I wrote a post about the difficulty of finding shoes that fit me (i.e BIG SIZES!!) the last time I was in Korea and as I am having the same problem again, I thought I would share some of the brilliant websites I have found which cater for ladies with larger feet, like myself. Note: Large feet in Korea are what people in most Western countries would call average!

shoe conversion chart korea

By Korean standards, I have giant feet. Buying shoes here is like trying to find shoes to for an elephant. It just ain’t going to hapen. Or so I thought. Turns out, however, that the principal of my school is an absolute legend. Despite arriving in work a little worse for wear, she calls me into her office, to show me the biggest display of shoes I have ever seen…online.

I happened to admire her sleek, long black boots and simultaneously complain how I would never be able to find boots like that here and she dedicated her morning to proving me wrong. She showed me not one but FIVE awesome Korean websites that specialise in shoes for big feet. We then spent the next half hour browsing through the various sites and discussing which shoes we liked best and what would suit me. The school director walked in and simply laughed at us saying. “Pffft Women“.

Here I shall share this awesome find with my fellow teachers, as I know many of you are experiencing the same problems as me and my giant feet. So girls, if you are looking for shoes in big sizes here in Korea, check out these sites!

Big Club, is as the name suggests a website specialising in big sizes. Prices for flats start at about 30,000 won and boots at about 40,000 won. Bargain.

Shoe Big, is another great site. The name is a big give away!Great collection of cute flats and winter boots and super cheap…from about 20,000 won. Plus it’s all in English!

Big Shoes, again does exactly what is says on the tin! SSuper cheap too.

Babi and Heel, all the seasons ‘in style; shoes, straight from the Korean Catwal and style magazines. Super chic.

Global Yard, Hollywood inspired shoes with lots of leopard print and lots of over the knee boots and funky colours. A little more expensive than the others.

Happy Shoe Shopping Girls!!

big shoes korea


0 thoughts on “Looking for BIG Shoes in Korea? Look no further!”

  1. Great tips, I will shop in Korea this christmas and I was worried whether I can get a nicely fitted shoes for my “above” average size. Definitely bookmarking this, cheers!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing this! I also have “average” size in the west, but in Asia, I’m an elephant as well! I can’t wait to go shopping!

  3. Hi there!! I’m going to korea this year and man was I worried about shoes haha… I just had a question, for all these websites, can you return them if you don’t like them?

  4. Hello Janet, thank you for sharing! However, as Mina above said, the links to the websites that are in the article do not work. I tried to google the sites but couldn’t find them. Could you please post the links to the websites again? Thanks a lot!

  5. Hie thanks for the info,tried to find the websites to no avaiil,can you please send me full links.thanks

  6. Also Korean Costcos always has a variety of seasonal shoes. This spring they carried Hunter wellington boots and last fall several winter boots. THey come up to larger western sizes.

  7. hello, no bad.. all i saw there is untill 165 … i really have biiiiiiiiig feet and getting really crazy, im looking for size 175 🙁 and in korea~ if u know more store plsssssss lets me know it (cheap store) anyway thanks!!

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