Woman sitting in front of Gros Piton and Petit Piton Peaks at sunset.|Aerial view of Marigot Bay.|Balaclaved criminal.|Bird sitting on an open coconut.|Cocktail in a coconut.|Cutest Iguana ever.|Gros Piton and Petit Piton Peaks and ocean.|Man attempting to break into a car.|Party boat off the coast of St Lucia.|View from a house in St Lucia.|View of Gros Piton and Petit Piton Peaks from the ocean.

Is St Lucia Safe for Tourists?

When you think of white sandy beaches, cocktails, and a lively local culture, what country comes to mind? Is it Jamaica, Haiti, or despite it being a state and not a country, is it Hawaii? What if there was a new contender on the block named St Lucia? However, is St Lucia safe for tourists?

As with most countries, the crime rate is not exactly zero, but is it high enough to maybe scratch this tropical paradise from your places to visit list? The fantastic cultural festivals, amazing resorts, and perpetual forever summer weather beg to differ.

This guide will discuss the safety of St Lucia for you and your loved ones and also any particular issues to look out for while staying in this Edenesque location. So, sit back, relax, and take a look at if St Lucia is one of the best tropical vacation spots you can experience.

Cutest Iguana ever.

Why Visit St Lucia?

St Lucia is a phenomenal example of a mixture of cultural origins blending together to make a truly special place. While the country has a strong mixture of English, French, and African cultures, much of the country’s history is shrouded in mystery.

However, we do know the French originally colonized it and, in later years, taken over by British rule. All of these cultures mixing together so many years ago is the reason the locals have such a lively spirit and culture. The local atmosphere has even been known to rival the best places to stay in the Bahamas.

History and culture aside, St Lucia is one of the many shiny jewels of the Caribbean. Its stunning landscapes, awe-inspiring waterfalls, and endless sandy beaches are a great testament to why anyone should visit the country. Not to mention the astonishing Gros Piton and Petit Piton peaks, which have been a UNESCO heritage site since 2004.

Gros Piton and Petit Piton Peaks and ocean.

Is St Lucia Dangerous?

Some travelers may feel silly asking whether a specific holiday destination is safe. However, the truth is asking questions such as “is South Africa safe?” or any other place you plan to visit is not only normal, it is downright sensible.

As with many things, this answer is subjective. There is a worrying trend of St Lucia’s crime stats having an upward trajectory. However, statistics are relative. When comparing St Lucia to somewhere such as Croatia or Japan, the numbers may seem a little high.

When you compare them to somewhere such as South Africa or other Caribbean countries, the numbers are quite low or, at worst, the same as other places to visit, such as the best places to stay in Barbados. The long and short of it is that when on holiday anywhere in the world, it is always best to take extra precautions.

Balaclaved criminal.

Dangerous Areas in St Lucia

Leslie Land

Leslie Land is a neighborhood located within Castries, the capital of St Lucia. Being the capital, you will undoubtedly want to or even need to step foot into the city. However, it is strongly recommended you avoid Leslie Land.

The good news is that it is not really an area that tourists need to visit, if at all. Be cautious and avoid bringing unnecessary valuables if you do end up having to pass through there. The crimes committed in this neighborhood do not tend to affect tourists. However, it is always better to be safe rather than sorry.

Morn du Don

Morn du Don is another crime-riddled neighborhood in the capital of St Lucia. The same advice as above applies to anyone that finds themselves venturing into this neighborhood. Whether it is out of necessity or pure accident, it is imperative to take extra precautions.

Being careful can make all the difference. Feeling silly for being overly cautious is far better than regretting not taking the precautions to begin with. This is also a neighborhood that should be avoided completely after sundown, but this can be said for most if not all, metropolitan areas.

The Waterfalls in Anse la Raye

Taking a hike through nature and discovering a breathtaking waterfall is truly one of the best experiences any traveler can have. However, these particular waterfalls should be approached with caution. There have been reports of tourists being mugged and harmed while hiking in the area.

Luckily St Lucia is rife with majestic waterfalls, so you can happily give this one a miss and explore equally as beautiful but safer options. Locals have been known to actively warn tourists not to go see these waterfalls, so it’s in your best interest to heed their warnings.

Man attempting to break into a car.

Is it Safe to Live in St Lucia?

Enough of the scary and dangerous talk! Changing focus onto where you can stay safe and really enjoy all this magical palace has to offer. Contrary to all the warnings and danger signs, St Lucia as a whole is actually a rather safe place for tourists.

In fact, St Lucia rivals even the best places to stay in the Cayman Islands in both beauty and fun. Where are these glorious safe spots to party away or sink your toes into the sand and forget all your problems? Let’s dive in and find out.

Bird sitting on an open coconut.

Safe Areas in St Lucia

Marigot Bay

Situated on the western coast of St Lucia, this tranquil and exquisite bay town offers everything an explorer could ask for. Locals will tell you fascinating historical stories of how the British used the bay to hide from the French during an intense battle. Whether the stories are true or not is debated, but they are entertaining.

If questionable historic tales don’t excite you, then the white sandy beaches and perfect weather surely will have you falling in love with this seaside town in no time. Compared to the dangerous hot spots discussed earlier, Marigot Bay is a haven for travelers to let down their hair and enjoy themselves.

Rodney Bay Village

Further North on the Island, you will find Rodney Bay village. Here you will find an enchanting lagoon and the most popular beach on the entire island, Reduit Beach. You may even start to think that you have somehow been transported to James Matthew Barrie’s Neverland.

This part of the island is very safe, especially compared to how safe Jamaica is or other Caribbean countries are. There is always something fun to do and just as many interesting historical facts about the village. So, no matter the kind of stay you are planning, you will find what you are looking for.

Pigeon Island

Pigeon Island is a newer add-on to the greater St Lucia country, as it was only officially added to the mainland in 1972. In 1979 it became a national park where adventurers from around the world would come to explore the many forests and other landmarks on the island.

It is one of the safest regions the country offers and provides loads of attractions for explorers to experience. Ranging from tours like this one of the numerous centuries-old forts to the Saint Lucia Jazz Festival.

View from a house in St Lucia.

Warnings & Dangers in St Lucia

St Lucia does have the usual dangers of pickpockets, robbers, and break-ins. The good news is that these rarely affect tourists but should be taken as very real possibilities. You will learn how you can keep yourself safe from such issues a little later on in this guide.

The real danger in St Lucia is the natural disasters. Small rain showers can quickly become raging storms in the blink of an eye. In the case of such a disaster happening, try to remain calm and follow any and all instructions given out by local authorities.

Cocktail in a coconut.

Overall Travel Risk 6/10

Every country and city in the world has some risks associated with traveling there. For some countries, this can be a natural disaster. In others, it can be violent crimes or scams that are played upon unsuspecting tourists.

St Lucia is no different. Tropical storms are the most dangerous thing any explorer will face during their visit to the country, but it would be wise to also pay attention to the following highlighted dangers.

The following points were collected from various governmental traveling tips, such as the UK governmental website and Canadian governmental website. Check your local government website for any requirements and dangers that might be specific to your country.

Aerial view of Marigot Bay.

Natural Disasters 

Having touched on natural disasters quite a bit already. The truth is not as bad as it seems. St Lucia’s hurricane season usually starts in mid-May and continues until the end of November.

This means you can come and have a tropical Christmas whilst the rest of the northern hemisphere is freezing cold.

The only drawback is that many of the festivals and carnivals all take place during the hurricane season. The good news is that hurricanes are still rather rare and only happen about four times a year on average.

Transactional Fraud 

In more recent years, there has been an uptick in reports of cards being duplicated when swiped in stores. In reality, this is something we should all be wary of in our daily lives. That being said, it is still an excellent idea to be extra cautious while on holiday.

Chikungunya virus 

The UK government warns against the Chikungunya virus, which is spread via mosquito bites. The best way to avoid contracting the illness is to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes. However, if you do happen to get infected, the hospitals are well-equipped to deal with most cases.

It is worth noting that you will be emergency evacuated in more severe cases. It is vital to ensure you have travel insurance and that it or your medical insurance will cover any expenses. St Lucia’s medical bills can get very expensive very quickly.


Pickpockets are the bain of any holiday. They are in every city on the planet, and sadly, there is no escaping them. However, you can prevent yourself from being their next target. Stay vigilant when traversing densely populated areas, and keep all valuables in a theft-proof bag, such as a backpack.

View of Gros Piton and Petit Piton Peaks from the ocean.

Tips for Staying Safe in St Lucia

St Lucia is actually a very low-risk destination for most tourists, especially if you avoid the dangerous areas we mentioned earlier. However, for those looking to be as safe as possible, we have curated some super helpful tips to keep you as safe as possible.

  • The first tip applies to a tourist visiting any new city. To stay as safe as possible, always avoid isolated areas.
  • Another way to stay safe while on holiday in St Lucia is to avoid showing signs of wealth and affluence. This makes it easy for unscrupulous people to identify you and makes you an easy target for their nefarious schemes.
  • While out and about in the city, and especially during hikes, you should only carry cash to cover your planned expenses. That way, if something bad does happen, you do not lose all of your funds.
  • If you’re traveling anywhere that needs official documentation, it is best to only carry certified copies of the documents. Leave the originals safely in a deposit box at your hotel.
  • Never walk alone in the dark, the boogeyman might not be real, but muggers and other criminals are, and they are very aware of dark spaces to hide out in.

Party boat off the coast of St Lucia.

Is St Lucia Safe? | Frequently Asked Questions

Are All the Beaches Safe in St Lucia?

Sadly not all of the beaches in St Lucia are equally safe. If you are ever unsure, you can ask authorities which beaches are the safest to go to.

Is St Lucia Safe for Female Solo Travelers?

Yes, it is. However, it would be wise to take extra precautions as there have been some reports of harassment. Sadly we live in a world where women are not guaranteed the same safety as their male counterparts, and St Lucia is no different.

What Currency is Used in St. Lucia?

The East Caribbean Dollar is what is widely used within the country. Some vendors may accept the US Dollar. However, the exchange rate will differ from store to store.

What Languages Are Spoken in St Lucia?

The country’s official language is English, so there is no need to pay for extra language lessons. But if you are looking to immerse yourself in the vibrant culture the country has to offer, it would benefit you to learn basic French and Creole (Kwéyòl), colloquially called Patois (“Patwa”).

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