Workcation|What to pack for Workcation

Guide to planning your first workcation

The world of work has undergone some pretty seismic changes over the last year. Technological innovation makes flexible and remote working easier and more effective than ever before, while the pandemic has meant that working from home has become the new normal for people across a range of industries and sectors.

As workers become more accustomed to working outside of an office environment and businesses get more comfortable with dispersed teams and flexible working arrangements, the concept of ‘workcation’ is becoming increasingly popular. Digital nomads have been fans of the ‘beach office’ and working from exotic destinations around the world for some time, but we are now entering an era where this will increasingly be a possibility for many more people.

The benefits of a workcation are obvious – even managing the most boring spreadsheets is improved when you get to watch the sea until cruises leave the bay at sunset – but they do take some planning. So take a look below at some of the most important things to consider when organizing your first workcation.

Tips for planning a workcation

What to pack for Workcation

You need a solid itinerary

When you are surrounded by exciting vacation experiences, a new town to explore, and beautiful sights everywhere you look, it is easy to get distracted. There’s always room for spontaneity, particularly if you are mixing business and pleasure, but it is worth planning your time a little more rigorously than normal to ensure focus and productivity. Set yourself hard deadlines and be disciplined about sticking to your working hours. This will allow you to get everything done without distractions and stop work bleeding into your leisure time as well.

Be prepared for things to go wrong

When working while traveling it is worth preparing for things to go wrong. We’re not suggesting you need to make contingency plans in case you get lost at sea, but when you are working outside the office it is far easier for small mishaps to occur. Dropping your work phone in the sea, getting sand in your laptop, or just encountering standard-issue WiFi failures can be disasters if you aren’t prepared, but are easily overcome with a little forward planning.

Communicate with your colleagues

Good teamwork is built on good communication at all times and in any situation, but it is even more important when it comes to working remotely. If you are planning a workcation, make sure you let your colleagues (and your boss!) know what you are doing, and most importantly when you will be available. Managing expectations when it comes to deadlines, delivery times, and replying to messages and calls is key to ensure that everything runs smoothly and your well-earned vacation doesn’t interfere with your work tasks.

Build-in extra time to your schedule

When you are traveling abroad, things tend to take a little longer to get done. A combination of relaxation, extra commitments, and the occasional tech snafu means that some tasks might take a bit more time to deliver. So make sure that your schedule allows for a bit of wiggle room when it comes to hitting your deadlines. The last thing you need is to come back from a morning yoga session and have to get straight onto a work call, so always allow extra time for both professional tasks and leisure activities.

Don’t forget to enjoy yourself

Of course, one of the main goals of a workcation is to have fun, so don’t forget to take full advantage of the opportunity! There’s no point in jetting off to a picturesque corner of the world just to spend every hour of the day hunched over a laptop in your hotel room. Set yourself vacation goals and build plenty of time into your itinerary for the leisure part of your workcation – after all, you deserve a break too!

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