7 Reasons Why You Should Still Visit Nepal

As most people around the world are aware, on April 25th 2015, Nepal was shaken by an earthquake that measured over 7.8 magnitude on the Richter scale. This disaster of colossal proportion was then followed by a large aftershock on May 12th, again bringing much of Nepal to a standstill.

Now, just three months after the earthquake struck Nepal, many people are wondering whether it is a good idea to visit Nepal or not. Is it safe? Would it still be wise to travel to such a huge disaster zone? Was the whole country affected?

Well, here are seven great reasons why you should still definitely visit Nepal, and why there really is no time like the present. For more information on things to do in Nepal, check out this post on Top 5 Places To Go White Water Rafting in Nepal.

1. Nepal is still Beautiful

Nepal didnโ€™t lose any of its beauty despite the devastating earthquake. Nepal is still stunningly beautiful with its snow-capped mountains (the most famous being Mount Everest!), beautiful forests, icy waterfalls, and rich flora and fauna. Only one out of ten national parks in the entire country was affected by the earthquake. Nepal’s most famous wildlife safari destination Chitwan National Park (where you can spot extremely rare one-horned Rhinos such as the one’s pictured below), Annapurna Conservation Area ( a popular trekking route), and the beautiful Pokhara city, were least affected by the earthquake and all remain as welcoming as ever to visitors.


2. Not all is gone

While Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Patan Durbar Square faced devastation of some of the most important national monuments, Nepal still has 8 world heritage sites enlisted by UNESCO, out of which only these 3 were affected. Famous tourist destinations like Lumbini, the birth place of Gautam Buddha, is still upright and ready to welcome visitors.

3. Trekking in Nepal is still amazing

Only two out of Thirty five trekking routes were affected by the earthquake. Most of the trekking routes, including the most popular treks Everest Base Camp Trek, are opened for trekkers. Many locals and guides are economically dependent on tourism in the region and hoping and praying to welcome the visitors back to Nepal now that things have settled a little. If you’re looking for a fun, and short, trek than check out the amazing Poon Hill Trek which only takes about 4 days and 3 nights to complete.


4. Basic services are still operating

Basic services like electricity and phone lines have not been affected. There was no damage to highways, subways or major bridges. All the national and international airports in Nepal are safe and fully operational. You will not have to worry about a disturbance in transportation or communication caused by the earthquake.

5. Special discounts

Many trekking Agencies, hotels and travel companies are offering attractive offers for visitors coming to Nepal in 2015. With these discounts on hotels and packages, visitors to Nepal will be able to enjoy a lot more, for very less. Nepal is a once in a lifetime experience and with all the discounts on the tourist deals, this may be an ideal time to visit the country.

6. Great volunteering opportunities

This is also a great time to go volunteering in Nepal because now is the time the country will need you the most. You can join to volunteer groups all around Nepal and help the country in any way you can. You can help to rebuild, manage the reconstruction, teach children or provide consultancy while you travel in Nepal. It’s not every day you will be able to travel with a cause.

7. Nepal is calling you

Tourism is very important to the Nepalese Economy. The tourism industry provides employment and income for tens of thousands of people in Nepal. The devastating earthquake has done much harm to human lives, monuments and the countryside. During this time of tragedy, nothing is more comforting than support from a friend. Your visit to Nepal will help Nepal to recover from its wounds in many ways.

Essentially, one of the biggest ways you could actually help Nepal right now is to GO VISIT NEPAL. Donโ€™t wonder anymore and plan your visit to Nepal. Listen to your heart and you can hear the mountains calling you. Nepal is calling you.

Editors note: This is the 3rd article in a series of guest posts I’m running, written by travel bloggers from around the world. I was delighted to hear from Ruashan, an entrepreneur living in kathmandu, and thought it would be a great opportunity for him to tell my readers a little bit about Nepal and to get a great insight into the country, as told my a local. You can follow Raushan Jaiswal on twitter here.

12 thoughts on “7 Reasons Why You Should Still Visit Nepal”

  1. Despite travelling around Asia extensively I have never been to Nepal. I love trekking and plan to visit one day. The earthquake certainly wouldn’t put me off visiting.

  2. No, the Mountain flight is very safe and the dangerous airport you are talking about is flight to Lukla. Mountain Flight is the flight to see mountains only. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hey, by the way, we are organizing first ever International Youth Camp in Nepal this October, 2015. If you know some of your friends who would be interested to be part of it, then please share it. We would appreciate it very much. Organizing such program has been super challenging after earthquake but this time we are so determined to make it happen.

    Here is the details: camp.youthlegend.com/international-youth-camp-nepal-october-2015/ Thank you so much in advance.

  3. I visited Thailand two weeks after the tsunami in 2005. Post disaster can be a good time to visit a place for deals and beat the crowds and as you stated, the country desperately needs tourist dollars.

  4. Hi Sajib, I am glad I could help ๐Ÿ™‚

    The temperature vary according to the months. Kathmandu is cooler most of the time. In summer the temperature is around 20 – 34 degree Celsius. On average the temperature is 24-25 degree Celsius during day time. But, the temperature will fall down in the morning and evening.

    It is cold in winter.

    Also, the weather depends according to places. If you are in southern part of Nepal called Terai region (not Kathmandu), it is damn HOT! If you are in middle part called Hilly region (includes Kathmandu), the temperature is moderate. If you are in northern part called Mountain region, it is very cold!

    Depending on your need, you will find all sort of weather throughout the year.

    If you are planning to stay in Kathmandu, rest assure it is not very hot. I live here.

  5. Hi,

    Thank you for getting back to me. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve just copied your comment to my notebook. I’ll definitely check those places out when planning a trip to Nepal. One more thing, which may sound dumb, but I’m gonna ask anyway, is the weather on the cooler side in those areas? I’m allergic to warm weather (who isn’t! ๐Ÿ˜› ) and the primary purpose of getting on a trip out of country is to find a place that has below 25 degree Celsius. Is that the case with the places you mentioned?

  6. I feel the best place for you to stay would be around the area Thamel, Durbarmarg, Kamal Pokhari and Lazimpat. All these places are at the center of Kathmandu. You can reach almost anywhere form these places in Kathmandu within half an hour ๐Ÿ™‚

    There are many good hotels in these area with good internet connection such as Hotel Annapurna (at Durbarmarg), Hotel Yak and Yeti (at Durbarmarg), Shanker Hotel (Lazimpat), Kathmandu Guest House (at Thamel), etc.

    If internet connection is not good at Hotel, try nearby restaurants.

    Nearby places and sites to visit:

    1) Thamel: This is the centre of tourism in Nepal. There are thousands of shops, restaurants, travel agencies and many more. Must visit!

    2) Basantapur Durbar Square – World Heritage Site: Most of it got ruined during the earthquake but still a very nice site to visit.

    3) Garden of Dreams: A park at Thamel.

    Other notable historical places /sites โ€“ Dharhara (ruined during earthquake), Rani Pokhari, Royal Museum, etc.

    Good luck ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. intrepidtraveller

    Wow, that sounds amazing! I have heard of that small plane trip…isn’t it one of the most dangerous airports in the world to land a plane or something like that? I wish my friends from work would organize a trip to Nepal! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. I visited Nepal in 2009 with work friends. It was a corporate outbreak for us and one of the best trips I ever took. Apart from the spectacular views, there were a number of activities offered to us from the travel agent. We did camping by the river, white water rafting, canoe ride and elephant ride in the Chitwan National Park. Our last day was spent viewing the top of Mount Everest in a small plane. I immensely enjoyed the three days i spent in Nepal and would love to go there again and again.

  9. Do you know of any place in particular where I can visit and have good internet connection at the hotel for the first half of the day? I do remote work and I would love to visit Nepal. But I must find a place where they have good internet connection and where there are nice places close to the hotel so that I don’t have to spend the entire day. ๐Ÿ™‚ My plan is to work half day and move around the other half.

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